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Your Secret Weapon in Due Diligence, Scaling, and Nearshore Site Expansion/Selection

We get private equity and portfolio companies on the same page - generating powerful results!

We help you:

  • Avoid costly M&A mistakes, truly understand the company you’re buying from the ground up and how to achieve synergies quickly. 

  • Improve EBITDA through integrating acquisitions quickly and effectively through effective organizational design and execution post closing.

  • Lower your technology cost structure and cost to scale by expanding development and engineering into Latin America, or offshore.

  • Choose the right location for site expansion and low-cost technical services delivery to enhance EBITDA without sacrificing quality 

  • Enhance the valuation of your portfolio companies through value-driven strategic decisions

  • Achieve your financial goals without creating conflict with portfolio company operators

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“ShadowHornet is an unparalleled expert in understanding nearshoring in  Latin America, and how technology and operational decisions relate to business valuation”

Senior Partner, Mid-Market Private Equity


Very few understand the language of private equity AND portfolio company operators. We help you move faster, avoid critical risk and improve your EBITDA this FY... 

  • 12 successful buy and sell side exits

  • 46 global outsourcing engagements

  • 146 M&A diligence assessments

  • Global consulting experience honed as a White House Advisor

  • International on-the-ground network in 8 key Latin American markets


We're a different type of partner -- one you can trust to deliver results.

We don't dump elegant expensive slide decks and run, we don't give expensive "advice" that creates more billable hours, we work with you side-by-side to achieve ROI. With a maniacal dedication to customer satisfaction and ethical dealing, ShadowHornet delivers what you need on your budget and your timeline.

Avoid critical M&A risks in due diligence, integrate faster, and mitigate post-deal threats

Use our experience in integrating $48.6b in transaction volume, including the 4th largest tech acquisition in history. From 13 personnel to 13,000 we can help strengthen your team in every M&A situation

Scale more affordably and improve EBITDA using our unparalleled LATIN AMERICAN nearshoring expertise

Use our most extensive database on Latin America workforces, rates, trends, and risks, coupled with our AI research assistant, Juana, and experience with 46 successful offshore/nearshore engagements to scale, reduce cost, and improve delivery in the process. 

Reduce cost while improving quality

Some of the leading names in the industry have generated improbable results in impossible timeframes with us. What can we achieve together? 

About Us


"ShadowHornet is one of the rare firms that combines business acumen, technical expertise, strategic vision, and compassionate leadership. They seamlessly worked with all levels of our organization to promote alignment and built authentic relationships with teammates and customers that foster loyalty. ShadowHornet enabled us to lead high-performing, successful teams by empowering people to be the best version of themselves. Where ShadowHornet goes, trust, collaboration, and achievement follow."

Vice President, Product Management, B.E.G. (Privately-held 750 employees)


Enhanced Due Diligence 

You want to get the most out of the deal, avoid critical risks, and integrate quickly. Use our experience on 146 M&A assessments and 12 successful buy/sell side closes to lead, supplement, or augment your firm's due diligence.

M&A Integration and Change Management 

You want to avoid retention risk, execute your plan, and fulfill your investment thesis - all while preventing integration problems. Use our experience on integrating the 4th largest technology acquisition in history, and 11 additional integrations ranging from over 8,000 personnel to 18 personnel. We help you understand scaling considerations at all levels.  

Strategic Sales and Business Development

Here you are, with a 10 year relationship with a Fortune 500 client, with all the trust in the world but nothing to sell. They're not buying staffing, and you don't have skills in house to navigate and influence an executive. Use us to invigorate your sales approach, using our expertise to extend your use cases, expertise in AI, or other opportunities beyond staffing. We help you innovate in sales, and close new business as a result.

Nearshoring and Low Cost Engineering and Development Site Selection

You're scaling at a US-based tech labor price point that hurts EBITDA expectations. Use our experience with 46 successful nearshore/offshore/low-cost Domestic US engagements to select the right site to lower your technical labor costs while maintaining your winning culture, quality, and customer satisfaction. 



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Helping Private Equity and Portfolio Companies Achieve More

© 2024 ShadowHornet, LLC

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